I need to measure social capital of students and business men in China for my research. I need some scale that can cover the all dimensions of Social Capital.
I don't know how much this is going to help in your quest for a short scale, but the World Bank has resources on the measurement of social capital. Try this URL: http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTSOCIALDEVELOPMENT/EXTTSOCIALCAPITAL/0,,contentMDK:20193049~menuPK:418220~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:401015~isCURL:Y,00.html If you can't use that link, just go to the World Bank site www.worldbank.org or www.worldbank.org/poverty and search for "social capital" and that should lead to the resources. That should at least give you some help. Bob
You can also look at a paper called "Social capital and neighborhood mortality rates in Chicago," which is on page 2 of my profile. It discusses a social capital measure previously developed by Kawachi et al (1997). Bob
Thank you very much for the guidance i am really obliged to all of you.I want to make a simple scale for measuring Social Capital can you please guide me for the constructs and items to select for it ?
As discussed above your measure might depend on your perspective. A simple scale for social capital would be the generalized trust question, which is part of the surveys mentioned by Jacek. With small variations it is “Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you need to be very careful in dealing with people?” The measurement scale is 0 or 1 in WVS and 0 to 10 in ESS. It is a simple scale of social capital in the Putnam/Coleman vein. I have used it in some of my work.