Various metaheuristic optimization algorithms with different inspiration sources have been proposed in recent past decades. Unlike mathematical methods, metaheuristics do not require any gradient information and are not dependent on the starting point. Furthermore, they are suitable for complex, nonlinear, and non-convex search spaces, especially when near-global optimum solutions are sought after using limited computational effort. However, some of these metaheuristics are trapped in a local optimum and are not able to escape out, for example. For this purpose, numerous researchers focus on adding efficient mechanisms for enhancing the performance of the standard version of the metaheuristics. Some of them are addressed in the following references:

Article Improved Shuffled Jaya algorithm for sizing optimization of ...

Article An Improved Water Strider Algorithm for Optimal Design of Sk...

Article Enhanced colliding bodies optimization for design problems w...

Article Chaos-based firefly algorithms for optimization of cyclicall...

I will be grateful If anyone can help me to find other efficient mechanisms.

Thanks in advance.

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