The SEI on the anode surface is formed by electrolyte decomposition and the further decomposition of metastable carbonate in the original SEI. So here are the quesitons:
In addition, during further cycling, some of the initial products of the decomposition of electrolyte will decompose, such as metastable carbonate. These will form stable lithiuim carbonate and lithium fluoride. So what are these reactions?
First snapshot said that mechanism (I) form more gaseous products, is Li2CO3 abundant and less stable while mechanism (II) is more stable because less gaseous product.
But we can know that forming (CH2OCO2Li)2 will produce CH2=CH2 which is gaseous product. And (CH2OCO2Li)2 as a metastable carbonate will further decompose to from Li2CO3 ( (CH2OCO2Li)2→Li2CO3+CO2↑+C2H4↑+1/2 O2↑)
, still will create gaseous product. This also agree with another snapshot I upload.
So which one is more resonable and why?
Article 093. A review on electrolyte additives for lithium-ion batteries