
I have this 2 nonlinear 2nd order differential equations.

ode = (diff(y,t))^2 == (V^2)/(A-B*cos(y)); ( in matlab format) IC:y(0)=0

ode = (diff(g,t))^2 == (V-(t-X))^2/(A-B*cos(g)); ( in matlab format) IC: g(Tfin)=XFin



How do i solve these equations other than using numerical solutions? Matlab has no analytical solution for thEse.

I need to find X by equating y(X)=g(X). So I need to find y(t) and g(t) analytically to equate them. Then I would solve for X to find it symbolically, that was my plan.

If I choose runge kutta 4th order or any other numerical solution, i dont think I can find X symbolically but I am not sure. Any comment would be appreciated!


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