I have been working with ontologies (RDF/OWL) a lot of time, using mostly them as an engineer, because they permitted SPARQL and rules essencially.
It's only recently, this year, that I started to really pay attention to the theoretical grounding of OWL. This lead me to dive into the zoo of many Description Logic and their desirable or undesirable properties.
I think there is some serious issues in the multiplication of work on DL, which are almost never considered under the perspective of actual usefulness, of their ability to describe the specific structures that are at core of many domains (law, clinical science, computer science...).
Quite some of the theoretical work in DL and logic seems to formally study and prove property about language (DL are language) that nobody is speaking or will ever speak. This is quite salient when considering the very little number of working reasoners (which are covering only a small fragment of DL described formally).
It seems to me that, after the incredibly fecund periods that started with Frege, Russel, Tarski, Hilbert, Godel, Carnap... The theoretical work was somewhat considered to be done and less attention was focused on formal language for Domain Description.
On the other hand, questions related to problem solving (planner) became treated only as SAT problem needing optimisation. With almost no reference to first order logic and thus having poor link with DL.
Finally, on the third hand, modal logic, which has clearly deep link with first order logic (the square operator/diamond operator and the existential quantifier/universal quantifier in particular), has been abandoned by computer scientist and become, more or less explicitly, a field of philosophy.
I think this state of affairs isn't satisfying and that there is a work of conceptual clarification and of revision of the foundation of mathematics that would integrate these development.
To that end, something that does seem absolutely essential is to give each other an easy access to reasoners. By easy access, I don't mean a program written in some obscure language whose source must be compiled on a specific linux.
I mean an access to the reasoning service through a (loosely standardized) REST API. These service should be accompanied with websites giving relevant example of using the reaoner, with an "online playground".
I think this could be done for classic DL such as EL or SHOIQ but also for modal logic in it's various kind (epistemic, deontic), and that could also could be done for planification based on First Order Logic.
I'm currently cogitating about the engineering question that would raise from such a logical zoo, and about a grammar that would be usable for every reasoning problem description involving this kind of logic.
If you are interested by the question and/or have skills in modern full stack architecture and Dockerisation, I'd be interested to have your opinion about the current situtation and the feasability of such a logic zoo, which would be an useful tool for clarifying the domain.