Dear Geosciences Community,

I am interested in starting a discussion on a topic that has been on my mind lately. I have come across many papers where the coordinates of the samples are not provided. This has made me wonder: Should the coordinates of the samples be mandatory to publish a paper in our field?

From my perspective, the inclusion of sample coordinates is essential for ensuring the credibility of our research and allowing other scientists to re-evaluate the results obtained. This is especially true for new discoveries, where having access to the sample locations can help confirm the validity of the findings.

However, I have been unable to understand why some papers do not provide sample coordinates. Is it because they are considered confidential information or are there other reasons for this omission?

I would appreciate hearing your thoughts and opinions on this matter. Do you believe that sample coordinates should be mandatory for publication in the geosciences? If not, what are your reasons for this? And if so, how can we encourage more researchers to include this information in their papers?

I look forward to a productive discussion on this topic.

Best regards,


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