Sharing my exception to an aspect of your (AD Scientific Index) methodology which is irrelevant to the application of academic promotions in universities.

First, I would like to thank your team, very sincerely, for this initiiative which is one of the most important innovations of recent times. Universities do not count citations in assessing academic (scientific) productivity.

As I have stated above, citations are not considered at any level of academic progress in the process of assessing productivity. I think citations are subjective (scientific subjectivity).

I take an alternative view regarding the use of citations instead of the number of publications as productive academic outputs that are listed by HR career development performance.

Although the example that you used to defend ranking citations about publications does not apply to university promotions at all levels, as you you might be better informed. That explains why most scientists who are listed have been promoted to higher ranks than several academics who have higher ranks in their universities.

Although your justification for the research methodology is valid for academic purposes, it is deeply flawed and insensitive to its relevance or applicability to universities’ HR manuals in the real world of work at the universities

Besides, it deviates from focusing on the scientists who have been promoted for achieving the formal assessment of academic productivity criteria that includes: (1) conference paper, (2) community outreach (service), (3) academic mentoring, (4) research project, (5) consultancy, (6) international recognition. (7) publication (journal, chapter, conference proceeding, or book), (8) teaching experience, (9) supervision, (10) inventions or other IPRs.

I suggest that you compare Google Scholar citations with ResearchGate or any other because my experience with the former is that almost a third of my citations are not captured for years.

As a result, there is a disparity between the citation ranking presented by them, with Google scholar displaying a lower ranking than the ResearchGate, for the stated reason. Hence, it is prudent to present what counts to the country-specific / regional-specific universities and the scientists (academics).

Be always blessed,


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