Hi Everyone,
I have a protein-Mn(ion)+ligand to simulate.
I have taken the .dat and .prep files for Mn from an existing literature source and I am able to successfully convert in to prmtop and inpcrd using leap and followed by generation of top and gro using amb2gmx.pl.
Next I have prepare the protein using amberff99sb in gromacs.
Next I have generated prmtop and inpcrd for ligand by following antechamber tutorial and converted the same files to .itp and .gro using mk_top.pl and I have also generated the .itp and .gro from ligand.pdb using acpype.
In both the cases while I am generating the ions.tpr using gromacs I am facing an error for atom types. I have inspected the itp file for ligand and it has some atoms with name ca, os and sy. Can anyone please help me out to resolve the issue?
Note: I have added the #include line for ligand itp in the topol.top
any help is highly appreciated