The problem is that ResearchGate has found only 3 citations. Check whether the list of your publications is complete (see, 8 publications at this time). If not, add the remaining, following the instructions in this help page ("How to add research"):
Where did you find the number 78? In Google Scholar or somewhere else?
It is primarily caused by the fact that something goes wrong with your most cited paper: Virigineni, M., & Rao, M. B. (2017). Contemporary developments in behavioral finance. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 7(1), 448-459. (according to GS 74 times).
You have included it in your profile here on RG but somewhat incomplete, what you can try is:
-Change the title exactly to Contemporary developments in behavioral finance (so without the journal title)
-If possible, since the journal title is most likely not available in the database of RG, add more details like issue number, page info, publication date etc.
-Although I think that just the correct title will pick up citations you can also add details in the abstract section
Perhaps you can try adding alternative names as well, see where they state: “You can add an alternative name in a few easy steps:
Go to your profile and click on Edit next to your name
Click on the Edit name button at the bottom of the box that appears
Fill out the Alternative name fields and click Save.”
This might increase the chance that citations are picked up correctly as well.