
I'm preparing a biological experiment which requires a chamber to have N2, CO2, H2, and O2 at reduced partial pressure. I intent to start with ambient air, inject H2 obtained from a H2O-electrolyzer, and insert fuel cell(s) into the chamber which oxidizes pure H2 to remove O2 from the chamber's atmosphere. In one experiment I need around 5% O2. In another experiment I need (near-) anoxic conditions, say about 0,5 % O2.

My questions are:

1) How can I determine to which levels O2 partial pressure can be reduced in that chamber? Can I calculate it with the Nernst-equation?

2) Can I apply an activation voltage to drive/accelerate the O2 reduction reaction ?  Is that a realistic approach to reach near-anoxic conditions? Would the required voltage also indicate the O2 concentration?

Thanks for your answers,


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