03 March 2013 12 6K Report

The recent measurements of the Casimir effect by Wilson, et al established the existence of a pervasive background of charged particles in what has been perceived as an empty Universe. As a result, photons moving through what has hitherto been taken as a vacuum will be slowed, while neutrino speed will be unaffected. All our measurements of the propagation of light and its wavelength have not been corrected for this slowing.

Wilson's result means the very idea of a vacuum is revealed as an unattainable limit. Now we must regard c as a value that is the limit of velocity in our Universe in its role as a dimensional coefficient in the Minkowski metric, similar to absolute zero in the temperature domain. The SI system has referred to it as c0 and so shall we.

If this insight is correct relativistic limits still hold and the space/time index of refraction is slightly greater then 1. The actual measured speed of light is slowed by space/time and is a measure of the consistency of space/time.

Until the refractive effects of the background particles are either measured or calculated, we really can not assert any violation of relativistic limits. To the latter end, we will soon propose some experiments which might accomplish such measurements.

I submitted this insight to Nature in December of 2011 as a comment on the Casimir effect experimental results. Now a group of French physicists have come to a related conclusion and just announced their results and intentions.

Note 3/26/13 Urban et al. has made some estimates of light speed and we look forward to their experimental results to confirm their and our expectation of photon interaction of quantum foam.

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