- New PLA-based materials need to be developed to allow a good balance between environment-friendliness and product properties for engineering/durable applications.
- The blending of bio-based, brittle, and mostly amorphous PLA with semi-crystalline PAs (bio-sourced (e.g., PA11), or not (PA12)) has been reported to lead to high-performance materials (toughness, ductility, increased HDT and better thermal resistance, others).
- The low crystallinity of PLA is believed to strongly influence its final properties and to limit the applications of PLA-based products.
- Why not, the use of PLA (NA/nucleating agent) with high crystallization ability, to tune up the properties of PLA/PA blends !?
- Our paper aims to show the experimental pathways followed to produce novel PLA/PA blends using PLA(NA) characterized by improved crystallization kinetics (impressive degree of crystallinity). Moreover, it highlights with the possibility to tailor the morphology and properties of PLA/PA blends with special compatibilizers, such as epoxy styrene-acrylate oligomers.
Murariu, M.; Arzoumanian, T.; Paint, Y.; Murariu, O.; Raquez, J.-M. and Dubois, Ph.
Engineered polylactide (PLA)–polyamide (PA) blends for durable applications: 1. PLA with high crystallization ability to tune up the properties of PLA/PA12 blends, European Journal of Materials 2022, DOI: 10.1080/26889277.2022.2113986
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(NB: Paper available open access, European Journal of Materials, Taylor & Francis Group https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/26889277.2022.2113986?needAccess=true&role=button).