Developing a professional commitment to scientific research requires staying up-to-date with the latest developments in your field, conducting rigorous research, and communicating your findings effectively through scientific articles. With these tips in mind, you can develop your professional commitment and contribute to your field's knowledge base through your research.
In addition to what has been mentioned by Ajit Singh , you can present or attend CPD conferences/webinars whenever and whereever possible. Keep reading and refering to literature review based on your own research area of interests. Finally, you have to be a professinoanl academic writer
In fact, it depends on the journal in which you would like to publish your work. Every journal has special guidelines for authors. You should check them and do your best to follow all the given instructions.
It should make a systematized review of the background related to the title of the research under development and make an analysis of the contributions provided by this background and of the methodological and epistemological gaps that were not included related to the contributions of the research under development.