Several scientists twittered, that a study published in Science

Lönnstedt & Eklöv (2016): Environmentally relevant concentrations of microplastic particles influence larval fish ecology

Science 352: 1213-1216

was more or less "thin air", e.g. not all of the experiments described were carried out. The University started an investigation and concluded, that there was misconduct.

Now my question: as a reviewer, would you have detected the fraud?

I found some mistakes in the statistics of the materials and methods sections, but I´m not sure I would have raised hell about the data.

Is it the responsibility of the reviewer to check, whether there was in fact an experiment performed? Or the responsibility of the University / field station etc to make sure, people do in fact work?

How suspicious do we have to be?

I always thought, that fish are too unpredictable to fake fish studies

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