Dear Collegues

I hope you are fine and doing well. I would like to ask you if there is a template text file for ?

I am using a home made software based on DOMFLUOR and NWAY developped in the university of TOULON , France which enable PARAFAC modelling of the excitation emission matrices. However , I tried several times uploading a text file of the PARAFAC components loading (for both excitation and emission wavelengths) in website but the website didn't accept that text file giving me this error message

Error File validation error.

ECode: 01010404 Suberror ECode: 01010503 Message: Incorrect File Header.

I tried to use the drEEM toolbox by following the tutorial but I couldn't understand it well . Therefore , I read the file named openfluor.m in order to format my PARAFAC components loading accordingly , nevertheless , I couldn't follow it. As a result, I am asking you to kindly provide me with an example file so that accept it and I can compare my parafac loading with the previously identified PARAFAC components.

thank you for your kind cooperation and looking forward to hearing from you.

with my best regards,

Ibrahim EL-Nahhal

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