01 January 1970 45 10K Report

Assume that a measurement gives n observations y1, y2, ......yn. The data are drawn from a normal distribution: Y~N(μ,σ^2), and prior distribution is μ ̃~N(y_prior,σ_prior^2). If σ^2 is known, the posterior mean is the weighted mean of the sample mean y ̅ and the prior mean y_prior. This is the standard solution that can be found in many textbooks or lecture notes. When σ^2 is unknown, I expect to have a similar solution, i.e. simply replace σ^2 with its estimator s^2 in the posterior mean. However, I cannot find this solution anywhere. My question is: “does this solution exists?” If the answer is yes, where I can find a reference? If the answer is no, why?

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