Is there a quick way to configure the input file for the TIE-GCM model in such way, that the output will be provided as a global representation of parameters in the fixed LT frame?
The NCAR Thermosphere-Ionosphere- Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIE-GCM) is a comprehensive, first-principles, three-dimensional, non-linear representation of the coupled thermosphere and ionosphere system that includes a self-consistent solution of the low-latitude electric field. The model solves the three-dimensional momentum, energy and continuity equations for neutral and ion species at each time step, using a semi-implicit, fourth-order, centered finite difference scheme, on each pressure surface in a staggered vertical grid. It has 29 constant-pressure levels in the vertical, extending from approximately 97 km to 500 km in intervals of one-half scale height, and a 5° x 5° latitude-longitude grid, in its base configuration. The time step is 120 s.
Model Input
Solar EUV inputs:
F107 (current daily F10.7 solar index) and F107A (81-day center-averaged F10.7 solar index)
Particle precipitation:
Hemispheric Power in GW, obtained from 3-hour Kp index
Ionospheric electric fields at high latitudes:
Provided by Heelis model and Weimer model.
Inputs for Heelis model:
Cross polar cap potential in kV, obtained from 3-hour Kp index Hemispheric Power in GW, obtained from 3-hour Kp index Optional (not implemented): y-component of the interplanetary magnetic field (By) in nT
Inputs for Weimer model:
Interplanetary magnetic field, By and Bz, in nT Solar wind density and speed, ρ and v, in cm-3 and km s-1
Inputs for lower boundary:
Diurnal and semi-diurnal migrating tides, specified by the GSWM
Model Output
Primary timed-dependent output fields, specified in latitude, longitude, and pressure level:Geopotential height: Height of pressure surfaces (cm)