Dear Mr. Kusch, thank you for the interest towards our project. However, I would like to inform you that the official project period was from September 2008 to September 2010 and no current or future activities are planned. The project products and results have already been successfully introduced into vocational education institutions in all partner countries.
I saw that Jim Kusch expressed an interest on this project, despite being an American, and therefore not directly eligible for Erasmus+ projects. I have seen, however, that the European Commission has some cooperation/exchange projects with the US. and other countries, like Russia. Furthermore, looking into the VETWOOD glossary website traffic, I can tell you that the interest in the VETWOOD project and its glossary is very strong in the US from where we get most of the traffic, in contrast to the current TfS-TT project. Therefore, as I have said before, it's worth looking into a new/supplementary bigger VETWOOD project to increase the terminology database by adding new terms, languages, upgrade the educational material and build a strategic partnership (more countries). It seems to me that the University of Forestry has the knowledge, expertise and resources for that. Remember that Hakan has started a "strategic partnership" project (TfS-TT) in forest harvesting, i.e. he has collected educational institutions from different countries for a long-term cooperation. And it seems that the European Commission likes this type of projects.
Anyway, these are some seed-thoughts to begin the conversation.
I fully agree with you that we should increase the scope of the very successful VETWOOD project and attract more partners from different countries (not only from the EU). Thus we can achieve global coverage and upgrade the already developed training products. What I meant with my answer to Prof. Kusch was that the official project period is over.