11 November 2013 4 970 Report

I am analyzing the data of Landsat 8 on the evolution of the vegetation indices through NDVI & WDVI and it seems that the values ​​obtained (either raw images that correct TOA & BOA) are very different from those of Lansat 5/7 ETM + and MODIS too, in particular, these values ​​appear to be much lower. The problem is in the different wavelength range of the NIR band of Landsat 8? Some of you have already done the analysis and had the same feeling?

I asked the USGS team and recevied the answer below:


Thank you for your message. Yes, the narrow wavelengths of Landsat 8 will cause NDVI differences between L8 and L7. The wavelengths for all Landsat sensors can be found on http://landsat.usgs.gov/band_designations_landsat_satellites.php; a graphical comparison can be seen on http://landsat.usgs.gov/ldcm_vs_previous.php.

We have inquired scientists to provide details on using L8 NDVI with L7 NDVI; at the current time, there is nothing published to explain how the differences of NDVI between the two sensors can be adjusted to become closer in values; at this time we recommend users calculating NDVI for L8 simply be aware that there will be differences.

I'm sorry there is nothing more I can provide to you at this time.

Best regards,



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