For my research project, I need to measure social impact or societal progress as an organizational performance measurement. I am also measuring the financial impact of innovation but I also want to relate it with social impact as well.
The following article measures social entrepreneurship orientation and gives a questionnaire for it:
Kraus, S., Kraus, S., Niemand, T., Niemand, T., Halberstadt, J., Halberstadt, J., ... & Syrjä, P. (2017). Social entrepreneurship orientation: development of a measurement scale. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research.
The following article explains the domains and indicative items of performance for social enterprises. You could reach out to the authors for more details:
Crucke, S., & Decramer, A. (2016). The development of a measurement instrument for the organizational performance of social enterprises. Sustainability, 8(2), 161.
My curiosity was triggered by your response to Mr Shamaeizadah, that there as no questionnaire in the paper by Hadad and Gauca. I had quick look at that paper and if you look at Figure 2 (page 130), you will have substantial information to create your own questionnaire. You do NOT have to rely on the questionnaire created or used by others.
You can use the variables or constructs used in testing hypotheses in these other papers -- just give them some thought. It is better to develop and use your own questionnaire, unless you want to replicate a previous study. If you are interested in publishing, replication studies do not interest journal editors and your paper will not be rejected for being not original. Of course, if you are only interested in completing a thesis or paper for your Virtual University of Pakistan, very quickly, relying on the tools (questionnaires) used by others may be a way out. If I were the examiner, I would ask you to justify your use of someone' s questionnaire by asking some serious, searching questions.
Good luck in your search for a usable questionnaire.
PS: Looking at the aim of your project, it is not difficult to create your own questionnaire. If you need help, I would be quite happy to help you out. (I actually proposed a course in social entrepreneurship at the institution where I had worked previously.. the course was started and it had 14 students in the first offering of the course; one of the projects started by a team of students, actually won a prize in a national competition.)
I have found very good and relevant instrument for measuring social performance.
Thanks all for providing their reply to this question.
Miles, M. P., Verreynne, M. L., & Luke, B. (2014). Social enterprises and the performance advantages of a Vincentian marketing orientation. Journal of Business Ethics, 123(4), 549-556