Hello Researchers, I need public a database on Arousal-Valence which is only based on Facial Expressions (e.g., Surprise, Sadness,...., Happiness) for my ongoing research on Emotion Profiling. Thanks.
The Radboud Faces Database includes ratings for valence, but not for arousal. Some of the ratings such as intensity of expression might be related to arousal or might not. You can take the RFAD faces and run a rating study to get the arousal data. The faces and the metadata for valence, as well as the validation paper you'll find on http://www.socsci.ru.nl:8180/RaFD2/RaFD?p=main .
I found some dates about your question in the book PSICOLOGIA DE LA EMOCION by Fernández-Berrocal (2010). That´s a excellent book of researchers in each emotion, and the principal author that you are finding is Robert Levenson.
The BINED database is an excellent alternative but it uses clips of facial expressions of emotion, not still pictures (http://www.psych.qub.ac.uk/BINED/) it has valence ratings (from a limited number of raters) but no arousal data to my knowledge. But since using existing databases demands that you do a small pilot study of valence/arousal perception on the materials in your target population you can easily fix it like that. I'd recommend it. It's got the best ecological validity of all the existing facial expression of emotion databases out there.