Power consumption model for a 2x2 system is widely available in various literature's, but none is available for massive MIMO systems. Is it available, and can we tailor the available equations accordingly?
There are several power consumption models for massive MIMO.
One can be found in my paper:
Emil Björnson, Luca Sanguinetti, Jakob Hoydis, Mérouane Debbah, “Optimal Design of Energy-Efficient Multi-User MIMO Systems: Is Massive MIMO the Answer?,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 3059-3075, June 2015.
Another more generic model is found in this paper:
B. Debaillie, C. Desset, and F. Louagie, “A flexible and future-proof power model for cellular base stations,” in VTC Spring, Glasgow, Scotland, May 2015.