I am working on a project where I am trying to deduce the best affinities between Irish saltmarsh communities defined by fuzzy analysis and European phytosociological syntaxon. I have been working with the lists of classes by Mucina (1997) and the alliances by Rodwell et al. (2002). Is there a more recent standard conspectus that I have overlooked, possibly with some expanded definitions? I am struggling with some transitional communities of the upper marsh. Many thanks.

Mucina, L. 1997. Conspectus of the classes of European vegetation. Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica 32: 117-172.

Rodwell, J.S., Schaminée, J.H.J., Mucina, L., Pignatti, S., Dring, J. & Moss, D. 2002. The diversity of European vegetation: an overview of phytosociological alliances and their relationships to EUNIS habitats. National Reference Centre for Agriculture, Nature and Fisheries, Wageningen, NL.

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