Is the placement of sunny sensor box for the measurement of solar irradiance horizontal or inclined on I could not get enough information on the website or the manual as regards this.

I have some data for solar irradiance from the website and I want to confirm if I needed to convert from horizontal to incident before proceeding with my analysis.

Project Title: Comparative study of the predicted PV systems power output using various models against measured power values

The main aim of the project study the performance of PV system installations at various sites monitored on an hourly basis and compare it with predicted PV system power output using various models.

Specifically, PV systems specifications, hourly power output data, solar irradiance, PV temperature data, and any other available monitored meteorological data at various installation sites will be obtained from an available database. These will be studied in depth and analysed. The various power losses will be investigated along with daily and seasonal variations.

An algorithmic model to predict the PV system power output will be elaborated and the required meteorological data will be obtained from available databases, monitored data and solar radiation prediction models.

Predicted and measured power data will be compared for a summer, winter, spring and autumn month, and for different sites. The PV system performance will be assessed in terms of power, energy and yield.

Further comparisons with results obtained from PV performance software or online resources, such PVGIS, PVWatts will also be carried out.

These comparisons will lead to conclusions upon the reliability of PV performance prediction models and online resources. The effect of different environmental parameters will be evaluated too.

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