It is important for a developing country to be sure that it must stimulate the production of scientific articles as a way to reach a more wealthy population.
Thank very much for the time expended in your answers. In the aim of discussion, in the Nature Index (, the two countries which headed the list of scientific research are USA and China, there is not an evidence that developement and scientific publications are related? Two countries that represent two very different political systems but both have the same behavior, must not be imitated in developing countries?
The number of high quality publications often reflects the contribution of knowledge in the GDP. In fact it reflects the extend at which residents in a given country believe in knowledge as a means to promote economic development. Whether developing countries should imitate publishing as a means to develop economically is questionable! What is important for developing countries is a change in mindset, that the source of all wealth is knowledge and not otherwise and as they seek knowledge publications will definitely rise opening up rooms for economic development IT IS NOT PUBLICATIONS RATHER KNOWLEDGE CREATING PUBLICATIONS.
I addition to quality publications, transforming the knowledge created into physical and non-physical development for developing countries is also a grey area phenomenon.