Part time system of working helpful to every one. If in India it is applicable to research then it will be more helpful to improve the system as well as help to the part time employee. For example it is seen in western countries.
In the case of Indonesia, as mentioned here (p.17):
part-time employment gives new entrants to the job market to gain experience toward permanent jobs, or for permanent workers to balance work and life. However, the system brings uncertainty to the workers since the employers could easily fire the workers during the unfavorable economic conditions.
Positive 100% as it helps an employer/firm to adjust to market fluctuations. It also helps special parts of population willing to get a part time job adjusted to their needs.
I feel that, in order to be able to assess how “beneficial” it may be, one also needs to take into account the broader implications from risk being shifted from firms onto workers. Casualization of work is closely linked to uncertainty which in turn impacts on individuals’ economic decisions. More specifically, the precarious nature of employment might lead to short-termism thus make investment in human capital less attractive for individuals. Consequently, the long-term propspects for the broader economy might worsen. Also, the lower income for workers might also create a wage substitution effect were credit is used to compensate for lower earnings. This in turn could result in an unsustainable dynamic vis a vis private debt.