Two things: first Hegelian Dialectic is about ideas movement, changes. Marx reinterpreted that, considering that the movement take place at material level, and ideas are, genetically, derived from that, the image of reality. Second, every theory, no matter how successful and exact can be, is an approximation of the real World, infinite times more complex by its content, than any its representation.
Two things: first Hegelian Dialectic is about ideas movement, changes. Marx reinterpreted that, considering that the movement take place at material level, and ideas are, genetically, derived from that, the image of reality. Second, every theory, no matter how successful and exact can be, is an approximation of the real World, infinite times more complex by its content, than any its representation.
No matter how many degrees we have or what kind of education we received, there are some thing that only life can teach us-lessons that we only learn in the school of life.
اعتقد ان الديالكتك بحد ذاته يشتمل على الصراع والتناقض بين الاشياء والافكار وهذا من وجهة نظر هيجل بداية وانطلاقة لفكرة جديدة وبذرة لصراع اخر وهكذا، من وجهة نظري لم تنطوي احداث التاريخ وما سواها على مثاليات واقعية وانما لطالما كانت مجرد نظريات.