Hello, dear colleagues! I make a ~0.1 M solution of iodine monochloride (with additional iodine*) in glacial acetic acid and utilize it for iodine value determination of commercially available bleached lineseed oil and yield IV = 229-230 whereas most of handbooks show lineseed oil IV in range from 170 to 200 (but anyway more than 150).
I have determined I/Cl ratio in solution as it was recommended in manual attached below and it turned out to be ~1.58 whereas it must be at least in 1.00-1.20 range!
So, the questions are:
Why is excess of iodine shouldn't outnumber 1.2 and what happens if this limit is exceeded? Will it affect of iodine additon reaction to double bonds and therefore affect the accuracy of IV determination?
* I yield it by passing dry chlorine over solid iodine, having not finished the synthesis quantititavely