This is an excellent paper. It contributes both valuable new data and solid interpretations of the origin of Nyakabingo, one of the Rwanda-Uganda “tungsten belt deposits”and its relations to rare-metal pegmatite formation.  

The authors demonstrate by geochemical data the long-assumed connex between parental ca. 1000 Ma so-called G4 granites, tin and tantalum mineralized pegmatites (at Gatumba) and the wolframite-quartz veins at Nyakabingo. Considering the distance of 70 km between the two, a direct flow of liquids and fluids between the Sn and W districts is not insinuated. The assumption is that in both cases, differentiation and fractionation of G4 granite produced mineralizing residual liquids and/or  fluids. The “text-book” model of the relation between  pegmatites and hydrothermal mineralization predicts that the second should follow the first.

The authors used muscovite trace geochemistry to determine and compare the degree of differentiation/fractionation of pegmatites and W-ore veins. Curiously, these data imply that the tungsten mineralizing fluids were expelled at the same fractionation stage as early unmineralized pegmatites.

How is this to be explained? I wonder if the solution would not be the contemporaneous tectonic deformation!

My own mapping of the tungsten belt deposits Bugarama and Nyakabingo (with Günther & Ndutiye), and of the nearby large cassiterite vein fields of Rutongo, and of Wolfgang Frisch at Gifurwe all showed that the veins are tectonically controlled by thin-skinned folding and overthrusting. G4 melt bodies may have been disturbed by tectonic deformation, from a  state of quiet fractionation and differentiation to sudden pressure changes and deformation of the whole melt body as the country rocks heaved.  

“Typically in the Kibara belt, pathways and traps for pegmatite melts, or for metalliferous

hydrothermal fluids, were low-pressure hinge zones of tightening anticlinal folds with axial

planes or cleavage planes on the flanks of folds as feeder and break-through structures. The

compressive stress field was rotated compared to the Mesoproterozoic main deformation and produced fold axes and thrusts cutting earlier folds at sharp to orthogonal angles. Outcrop patterns created by fold interference are visible on geological maps; resulting highs often determined the location of tin granite cupolas or ridges and associated deposits” (citation from Pohl et al. 2014; for research use, I can provide a PDF).

The cause for both the compressive tectonics and the crustal melting that produced the G4 granite suite were the ca. 1 Ga global tectono-magmatic events of the final assembly of Supercontinent Rodinia (the “pan-Rodinian orogenic events” of Li et al. 2008).

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