Lithium and dapakine and lamotrigine did not worhed. I read Maudseley guidelines and tried Floxitine . 3 patients improved. for rest I am thinking of flux and then olanzipine
Cognitive behavioral therapy as well as somebody who walks with them outdoor is also helpful if you fear that an antidepressant will provoke mania. The more physical training and talking the better for the patient. These patients are usually rather alone while relatives and friends are tired and burdened from their ups and downs. Already group therapy is helpful.
S. Béatrice Marianne Ewalds-Kvist . thats ggod. Iadded risperidone in low dose 1-2mg. many of them improved. this may be because of drug or change of weather. spring has come
Sounds good, Risperidone as an atypical antipsychotic medication is supported by current practice guidelines for the treatment of bipolar mania as monotherapy or as a component of polytherapy (e.g. with litium), and in clinical settings the use of atypical antipsychotics to treat bipolar disorder is widespread. Here is a review
One thing I have noted that in their depressive phase these bipolar patients complain of Severe sleep disturbance. This sleep distirbance is not amleioratef by many drugs eg mirysxipine. Strong benzodiazpinrs. Risperidone also improve this sleep dramatically