I worked in S Band radar for 17+ years at CDR KOCHI 1987-2005 Radar Maintenance Engineering and  Convective cloud observations / studies.

Meteorology Intermediate 1975-76 & Advanced 1981 Trainings at IMD Pune and RS/ RW (1979) & Radar Advanced Trainings at IMD New Delhi & BEL Ghaziabad.

International Monsoon Experiments Monsoon 1977 and Monex 1979 done over Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal with experience in the vicinity of Cyclone on  7th May 1979.

(Also worked in RS/RW 4+ years 1972-73 &1978-81 at Mangalore, Kochi & Amini. Forecasting Offices 7 years 1975-78, 1986-87 & 2005-07. Ozone & Seismology at Kodaikanal Observatory 4 years 1982-86.)

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