As a beginner in gromacs,I generated an initial configuration of some peptides in mixed solvent systems. After giving pdb2gmx command for generating .gro file and .top file, an error message comes stating that residue (LIG..) couldnt be identified,its not a part of database,there is a problem with chain definition or missing terminal residues.It says that the chain does not appear to contain a recognized chain molecule. It was suggested to edit residuetype.dat. No .gro file was generated.
Some tutorials have suggested .itp files of separate solvent molecules and to #include in the force field separately as solvent molecules.
I'm not sure how to go about this whole process step by step. Please help.
Where do I modify forcefield parameters? How to generate .itp files? Should I use packmol at all or simply make use of genbox to add solvents...and how??