I have modeled a twisting beam which is meshed with C3D8 elements. I need to measure the twisting angle of the end of the beam. However solid elements in Abaqus does not have rotational degree of freedom. What is your idea?
Agree with Jeff. Depending upon how you apply the BCs, you can also have a circumferential shear which means the nodes might have different rotational displacements for e.g. the elements at outer edge rotate more than the inner elements. An easy way would be to plot the x and y coordinates of a node (if the end surface lies in x-y plane). The plot shall show cyclic behavior. One wave is equal to one revolution. If you want to look at the angles just calculate cos-1(y/sqrt(x2+y2)). here I assume that the centre is aligned with 0,0 and x and y represent the current coordinates of that node. In case the centre is not aligned with 0,0 then you need to incorporate it in the formula.