pair_style dpd T cutoff seed
pair_style dpd 1.0 2.5 34387
Q1) This is an example of writing dpd unit of temperature (the bold one) for lj system where, T* = 1.0 means that T* = TkB/Epsilon = 1.0. In the lammps documentation, it was mentioned that here 1.0 is equivalent to 300K. Now, if I want to use increased temperature, for example 400K, what will be the equivalent non-dimensional number? I am really confused about this conversion. It will be much appreciated if anyone can please help me with an explanation.
Q2) In lammps if I want to mimic the experimental annealing ( e.g. raising temperature to reach equilibrium and then bringing the temperature back to room temperature) can just follow the following steps- a) run the simulation at room temp. b) take the last trajectory of atoms from step (a) and run the simulation at higher temp. and then c) take the last trajectory from step (b) to repeat the step (a) at room temperature. I am wondering if there might be any computational artifact generated due to such change of the temperature or it should mimic the experimental annealing system?
Q3) For the question (Q2), if I use it for systems having pair_coeff (= interation parameter obtained from Chi parameter),how this change of whole system temperature can potentially affect the interaction parameter. Or will it just change the total system temperature leaving the mutual interaction unaffected ?
Thanks a lot in advance !