08 November 2020 28 334 Report

I am exploring the quality of the program by asking the perceptions of five stakeholders such as faculty staff, students, lecturers, graduates and principals. Every stakeholder has a different research question because the issues in the faculty staff will be different from students or principal. Only student data collection which used mixed methods sequential design (survey+interview) while the others (different research question) explored by qualitative interview) My question is

1. Is it enough for me to explain in the thesis that I use mixed methods sequential while it is only used for one research question and the triangulation only in that question and the other different research questions are qualitative or should I say mixed methods and qualitative?

2. Is it enough for me to explain in my thesis that my research paradigm is pragmatism even I use a lot of qualitative in big parts of the research question because qualitative is used because of pragmatism approach. I used the interview to other stakeholders such as faculty staff, educators or graduates and principals because it is the method that works better and practicality reason because I have limited access and resource? Or should I explain it is also interpretivism in the thesis even it is done for a practical reason?

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