I did Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) somewhere. My material was filament of polylactic acid (PLA) for 3D printing. I melted the filament in chloroform in order to change the shape from a filament with 1.77mm in diameter into a very thin layer (film). For the DMA analysis, my PLA was 20 mm long, 5 mm width, and 0,16 mm thickness. The result that I got from the report stated that my PLA had Ultimate Tensile strength (UTS) as much 2.1 GPa. I found out that the normal tensile strength for PLA is around 66 MPA.
Can anyone help me explain how the DMA analysis system and why my result can reach 1.2 GPa. I believe that there must be something wrong with the data calculation in the report that i got.
for those who answer my random question, thanks in advance!!