Artificial Intelligence is the next big thing and it is influencing every technology. Is it really going to have its influence on our lives any time sooner or there is still a century to see its major developments?
It has already effected our life as technology has solved lot of problems and AI is used to develop technology with intelligence. AI effect is exponentially increasing in our life to businesses, so it's huge impact will be seen in few years.
Artificial intelligence is beginning to penetrate deep into our lives now. It is actively used in camera applications and sports applications in the mobile phones we use.
In the next 10 years, more devices that we use in our lives through the Internet of Things will start using AI.
My calculations show that the internet will become conscious in 2020, and self-aware in 2022. This suggests that we may have much less time than expected. Keen to get your thoughts.
AI can not been analysed in isolation, when AI it is part of a systemic transformation of the relationship between science-technologies and human beings and our planet. AI is and will be one of the major contributors of powerful and vested interest who are aiming at the ultimate control of human beings, for them it is not enough to control our social narrative, to control our thinking, our emotions, our spirit but ultimate their to control and manipulate human consciousness.
AI has improved my lifestyle. My home is warmer with my “learning thermostat”, cleaner with my “vacuum cleaner robot” and more secure with the security cameras and sensors monitoring. In my car, my GPS takes me througth the town on the fastest and more secure routes. And at my workplace I used AI technologies to automate my routine tasks and secure my data with Firewall, Antivirus and a Intrusion Detection & Prevention System.