Millions of students and teachers around the world who use the SMART Board interactive whiteboard to help improve learning outcomes with its animations, graphics, text, sound, NET facilities, retrieve, store so on.
An interactive whiteboard can be used as one tool among a repertoire of teaching techniques. It is undoubtedly a time-saver at times, has some superb features, and I very much like being able to store and share the spontaneous whiteboard notes from a class session. I like using an interactive whiteboard, but I don't want to rely on it completely. Sometimes teachers focus more on the technology than on the students, and it can be refreshing to switch off the tech sometimes. So, I would say that I incorporate it into my teaching, but It doesn't mean abandoning other practices we can use to engage students and enhance interaction.
Thank you mam. I am not telling removing other practices. My point of view is, utilizing the IWB is more effective than the chalk-board method inside the classroom level of teaching. You can use 10 minutes IWB in the 40 minutes class hour; remaining you can use any other play way method; co-curricular method of your own teaching.
Todos los métodos son válidos, se complementan. si utilizamos la pizarra como método tradicional nos ayuda, en cada gráfico que se hace el estudiante aprende. Si utilizamos las tecnologías le damos imagen, sonido. Son válidos. Lo más importante es saber utilizarlos y sacarles el máximo de rendimiento. Cualquier recurso que se utilice en la clase debe corresponderse con el contenido, metodologías, estrategias y evaluación.
The interactive whiteboard is a development of the traditional board and its success depends on the extent to which it is appropriately employed by the teacher..