11 November 2014 2 6K Report

Gaussian white noise is used as the input for the neural mass model (NMM) in EEG/MEG simulation. In one of Dr. Fabrice Wendling's publications (Relevance of nonlinear lumped-parameter models in the analysis of depth-EEG epileptic signals. Biol Cybern 2000, 83, 367-378), there was one statement on the simulation of this input-"A Gaussian white noise was used as the model input. The mean and variance were adjusted ..." in order to obtain a rate of 30-150 pulses/s. My question is how do I compute this "pulse rate" given the mean and variance of the Gaussian white noise. For example, I usually use randn or normrnd to model the Gaussian white noise in MATLAB. So, what's the pulse rate for the noise "220+ 22.*randn(1, 1000)"?

Article Relevance of nonlinear lumped-parameter models in the analys...

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