Quality is associated with brand names. Brands are usually targeted to a market segment. You may need to do a segmentation analysis to find out the factors that you want to identify, such as a particular level of income, different tastes, freeze dried, blends and so on.
In recent years, coffee exports are infuenced by the quality of the product and not by the quantity. The quality of the coffee is affected by several factors, such as crop management and the natural conditions in which the crop is found.
Comme déterminant des exportations de café vous Pouvez faire une analyse sur les facteurs suivants : le respect des normes (la non participation des enfants, la non déforestation, la durabilité), le prix, les intrants....
La calidad del cafe para exportar debe cumplir con determinados estandares mundiales (requisitos, caracteristicas que debe tener el producto) y si se trata de un mercado en especifico tambien es importante revisar los requisitos de manera puntual y verificar que el cafe cumpla con todo por ejemplo aroma, color sabor, acidez, amargor, tamaño, humedad, textura, crema entre otras caracteristicas.
Quality of coffee in developing countries is mostly affected by technology. In that we are still using sunshine to dry our coffee so as to get good quality which is not right.
Secondly no processing machines for coffee. This leads to low prices for our raw coffee to developed countries.