Hi there,

I need to know how to change the direction of the BIAS meshing, but I need to know how to write it on Python. When I do it from the CAE, in the .jnl there is no difference. Any idea?

The line that I get from the .jnl refered to BIAS meshing is:

mdb.models['Model-1'].parts[part_name].seedEdgeByBias(biasMethod=SINGLE, constraint=FINER, end1Edges=mdb.models['Model-1'].parts[part_name].edges.findAt (((MESH_A1, MESH_A2_SUB, 0.0), )), end2Edges=mdb.models['Model-1'].parts[part_name].edges.findAt(((MESH_A1, MESH_A2_SUB2, 0.0), )), minSize=1e-05, maxSize=0.0002)

Thanks in advice,


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