29 December 2021 0 479 Report

It is known that that the supports of the two Fourier convolved functions,simply add.Here consider the parallel process in the case of the Bessel Jn(xt) kernel-(Fourire-parallel -convolved),or,more accurately,"composed") COMBINE?

The hint,which is rather discouraging, is the result for what is termed"convolution of Hankel transform by V.K. Tuan,and M. Saigo'Convolution of Hankel transform,and Aplication to an integral invoving the Bessel function of the first kind, published in :Internat.Jour.Math. Math.Sci.,1995,18(8)545-550.

Another note: Preliminary attempt:Numerically,the supports of the same two J0 convolved functions add for the first convolution operation,then the addition deceases gradually,until it stopped at the 15th self- convolution at 6 times the support of the initial function.That is instead 15 times,as it is for the Fourier transform.

Thank you

A.J. Jerri,

[email protected]

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