Can innovation be measured? I am interested in investigating the potential socioeconomic impacts of innovations on economies and societies. There is a slight problem here. You cannot know beforehand the impact of such innovations on any society, simply because of it's novelty. There are no prior cases of its existence and hence no historical account of its impact.. Because if there were any, it wouldn't really qualify as an innovation.
What qualifies as an innovation in a society where it cannot be a necessity as opposed to another society? The booming M-Pesa e-money system in Kenya might not be considered by the global mass of the US population as a ground breaking app.
Accordingly identifying innovations which have or potentially have a socioeconomic impact on societies is a tough and difficult problem.
Any ideas?
Perhaps relying on the Millineum Development Goals (MDGs) - which more or less are accepted on a global and international level - as a way of assessing potential impacts through the extent, the innovation is deemed to affect the MDGs in a specific society.