Summarising Bourdieu's views on inequality, social reproduction and higher education is a tall order but might this suit?
‘Class inequality in education is endemic to the education process as currently constituted’ (Lynch and Lodge, 2002) (p.37) and according to Bourdieu (Bourdieu, 1996) is likely to remain so given the intimate association between the perpetuation of class privilege via education. However, Bourdieu recognised that change is possible and that there is always scope for acts of resistance (Bourdieu, 1998).
BOURDIEU, P. 1996. The state nobility : elite schools in the field of power, Oxford, Polity.
BOURDIEU, P. 1998. Acts of resistance: against the new myths of our time, Cambridge, Polity.
LYNCH, K. & LODGE, A. 2002. Equality and power in schools: redistribution, recognition, and representation, London, RoutledgeFalmer.
Cultural capital and habitus are the concepts that play a role in social and cultural reproduction, so these define different educational outcomes (Bodovski, 2013). Cultural capital actively reproduces social inequalities; Cultural capital embodies the totality of investments in aesthetics codes, social practices, dispositions that transmitted to the kids through the process of family socialization (tzanakis, 2011). Family habitus differentiates by social class.
The most valuable form of capital is academic success which is depending on the (cultural capital) and on the inclination to invest in the academic markets (Bourdieu, 1973)
This has been helpful for me in regards to the most current task that my tutor has set out for me to help with my 1500 word essay. Thank you for the above PDF link :-)