Describes the relationship to their neighborhoods can be calculated by using first, second, and higher order statistics. e.g. Haralick
first order statistics: e.g. features from gray level histogram like average intensities
second order statistics: properties for a pair of gray-level pixels and are used to, e.g., compute the length, or orientation,of a line with the endpoints.
higher order statistics: calculate the statistical properties for 3 and more gray-level pixels and cover the neighbourly relations, e.g., compute the skewness or kurtosis of a gray-level distribution. But , higher order statistics are less robust against noise
The model-based texture analysis domain mainly addresses the construction of a stochastic or fractal model which represents the texture in an image and with the aim of using the estimated parameters of the model for texture analysis. However, these approaches are suitable for micro-textures but not for macro-textures. E.g. Markov Random Fields, Autoregressive Models or Fractal Models.
Aside from the spatial information, the spectral analysis of an image opens new possibilities for analysis and delivers further information. The most important transformations are fast Fourier transformation (FFT) and Wavelet transformation. Compared to the fast Fourier transformation, with wavelets it is possible to characterize the local shape of a texture and not only sharp variations of it. Furthermore, the advantages compared to commonly used hierarchical bases are manifold. In principle they are orthonormal, linear, continuous, and continuous invertible.