how can we use psychoanalytic perspective for describing, meaning, understanding and solving social problems(such as ethical problems, political problems, ...)?
Obviously, in the list of Social Psychoanalysts, I forgot to highlight E. Fromm: Erich Seligmann Fromm (1900-1980) was a prominent German Jewish psychoanalyst, social psychologist and humanist philosopher. During part of his career he positioned himself politically defending the Marxist variant of democratic socialism ...
He was part of the Institute for Social Research at the University of Frankfurt and actively participated in the first phase of interdisciplinary research at the "Frankfurt School" - which should also be noted, with its creator, M. Horkheimer, T. Adorno et al. .-, but at the end of the 1940s he broke with them due to the heterodox interpretation of Freudian theory developed by said School, which wanted to synthesize Psychoanalysis and the postulates of Marxism (Freud-Marxism) in a single discipline. Fromm was one of the main renovators of psychoanalytic theory and practice in the middle of the 20th century and several of his works (eg "The Fear of Freedom") became true best-sellers and continue to be so today.
Individuals put together makes a society. Psychoanalysis of individuals forms the basis of evaluating experiential outcomes of living in a society. Psychoanalysis provides the inputs and feedback necessary for understanding and solving social problems. Man is in the center of all social problems. He is beneficiary as well as benefactor of the society.
Actually, it is something that has already been tried several times by the so-called "Social Psychoanalysis" (Erickson, including H. Marcuse and many others), but -obviously- it is something that they must answer and, above all, do their own! Psychoanalysts !; good luck and may God help you in your endeavor !!
Психоанализ может давать данные о состоянии общества, но моё мнение - социальные проблемы должны решаться социальными средствами, политические - политическими и т.д. К.Г. Юнг - противник социальных движений, революций. Для него социальное движение - это психическое расстройство. Но "решать все проблемы" внутри сознания - это самообман.
You may want to investigate any relationship of “Social Psychoanalysis” dependency on the physical constructal law. A constructal law presentation on “The Science of Rights” at the Thermodynamics 2.0 conference:
Michael T Takac Thanks. I saw your conference on YouTube. But I did not understand the connection between your statements at the conference and psychoanalysis. I will be happy if you explain more about this.
Psychoanalysis is a field that also evolves; hence, the constructal law (the law of evolution). Perhaps, investigating the mechanics of the constructal law may help your research.
OPUS an Organisation for Promoting the Understanding of Society does just that. Take a look at their website. Also look at their journal, Organisational and Societal Dynamics.
You might want to know that nowadays the term “psychoanalysis” is replaced by the term “psychodynamics” when referring to the theory and body of knowledge. Psychoanalysis is then reserved as a term for the therapy form. So, researching literature, use the term psychodynamics to see if you get more results.
Phoenix House publishing has some authors in this field. Check those.
Also Karnac Books has books related to this subject, besides a lot of therapeutic books.
Look at ResearchGate too, because this question was asked a few months ago and received a lot of answers.
Important work done by psychoanalytically trained social scientists after the war, came from the Tavistock Clinic. There are 3 volumes of collected work, now available online, free, at the first link below. For society in general, perhaps the first volume is a good beginning, the last part of it. See the first link.