Hi, I am not familiar with OpNet as well. But for the sensor network, many of them have a sink node for data aggregation. The sink node maintains connections of sensors within a range and offers service outwards. Thus, some services are actually served by the sink node, not directly by sensors. So If you can know which sink nodes your service access to, you can model QoS for each sink node. Otherwise, I think you can treat the entire sensor network as a black box and model an overall QoS.
Thank you Yuchao and Abdullah. I want to treat whole network as a server which serves the incoming Internet tasks. But I am facing difficulty in modeling those "Internet tasks" in a simulation environment. If you can help me with this.
Hi Sourabh, I have little experience on simulation, but main issues in sensor network contains power consuming, transmission, mobility, connectivity, etc. Things I could think that related to QoS would be data rate, loss of service, real time transmission, noise, etc. However, It still depends on what kind of service you will create upon sensor network and what measurements of QoS will influence your service. So choose some measurements and set different values of parameters might be good. Hope this will help you.