I mean tuning the rbf_sigma, boxconstrain and other parameters to get best answer.I have 116 feature vectors and I use RBF kernel and I need to optimize rbf_sigma and boxconstraint for better results. I'm using the following Matlab code:
svmtrain(xtrain,ytrain,'Kernel_Function','rbf', 'rbf_sigma',3.03,'boxconstraint',10, 'kernelcachelimit', 10000);
Do you suggest any other ways to optimize this classifier for my data? any other parameters?
Currently I'm trying "fminsearch" and "patternsearch" and "GlobalSearch" in Matlab for optimizing just rbf_sigma and boxconstrain. Which one might work better? They don't work well and I'm not sure about their performance. I think they stop in local minimum.
Thanks for your time