I have a Jtable and when I click on a row,opens a JOptionPane and getting that row. When I click on different row it doesn't work. It wants from me to close the JOptionPane firstly. How can I organize it when I click on a new row to close that and open new JOptionPane automaticaly?

Here is a part of code =>

if (e.getClickCount() == 2) {

JPopupMenu popUp=new JPopupMenu();


I can't use this. And Can't do what I want. For example when click on a different row ; open new PopUp for clicked row automaticly


final JPanel outerPanel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[]"));

outerPanel.add(marketPanel, "grow 100,wrap");

Object[] message = {outerPanel};

if (priceMap.keySet().contains(name)) {

optionPane.showOptionDialog(null, null, ELanguage.getString(


JOptionPane.NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null, message,




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