This attached review paper jointly done with EPA, discussed on sixteen rapid assessment methods for freshwater ecosystems with their pros and cons. Another one discussed on rapid assessment procedures clearly. I hope those may help you in your work.
In an attempt to produce a reliable source of water, the water quality model QUAL2Kw was put through calibration and validation tests. This model was implemented in the river Tungabhadra of India. This worked quite well for the project at hand but showed certain irregularities. Different Quality Management methods exist currently and for this project, their impact in DO concentrations was examined based on 1) The ability to augment the flow; 2) The ability to oxygenate the source, and; 3) The ability to modify pollution loads. With the impacts realized, the study helped us understand that local oxygenation is effective when considering the increment of Do levels. There was also the understanding that a combination of the factors (flow augmentation, pollution load modification, and source oxygenation) is a necessity as far as the minimum DO concentrations must be realized. With this quality model results, there is the confidence that the implementation of the QUAL2Kw model will be an appropriate choice for future river water quality policies.
Article Utilization of Water Quality Modeling and Dissolved Oxygen C... Article Water Quality Model for Streams: A Review